Sleep is magic when you get the proper amount and quality sleep you need.
Sleep helps:
Keep your immune system strong
Maintain a healthy weight
Reduce stress
Improve mood stabilization
Improve focus and concentration
Improve memory
When one or more people in the family are not meeting their sleep needs, the entire family unit is affected.
So how much sleep is actually needed?
Well that depends on your age. For adults, it is recommended that you get 7-9 hours of sleep. Kids need increased sleep to support their growing bodies and brains.
Newborns need: 14-17 hours a day
Babies need: 12-16 hours a day (including naps)
Toddlers need: 11-14 hours a day (including naps)
Preschoolers need: 10-13 hours a day (including naps)
School agers need: 9-12 a night
Some signs you or your child may not be meeting your sleep needs are:
Low energy
Difficulty paying attention
Poor mood regulation (increased irritability and/or meltdowns)
Hyperactivity or impulsiveness in children
Trouble falling or staying asleep
Grogginess when waking up in the morning
If you are your child are struggling to get adequate sleep, it might be because:
Your body is stuck in fight or flight mode
You are experiencing pain
Some medications
Certain foods and beverage consumed
If you or your child is struggling to get good quality sleep on a consistent basis try these strategies:
Establish a consistent bedtime routine
Give your body the sensory input it is craving
Turn off electronics at least an hour before bedtime
Practice relaxation techniques (massage, warm bath, deep breathing)
Work with a trusted professional to get to the root cause of the sleep disturbances
If sleep is a struggle for you or your little ones and it’s affecting your entire family, book a free consultation with us so we can provide individualized support.